Steph's Hypnobirth - Finley's Birth Story
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Founded by a Midwife: TENS Hire Perth was founded by Laura, an experienced and passionate midwife who loves empowering women to have a beautiful and empowering natural birth.
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Our story to get pregnant wasn’t as magical as we had hoped. After a routine checkup at the GP, we found out that I had very little eggs left (in fact at the age of 27 I had the egg supply of a 55 year old). We were referred immediately to IVF to egg harvest and freeze. It was at these appointments that more tests were undertaken and revealed that I also have a unicornuate uterus – meaning that my uterus is half the size it’s supposed to be. It’s a congenital birth defect, and I had no idea of this until more tests were done. To top it all off, I also have endometriosis which I have had surgeries for in the past. We were told that IVF would be our only chance to have a baby and that even if I did fall pregnant, my reduced uterus size could mean miscarriages and preterm birth. We were given an egg retrieval date – the earliest being in three months time. The doctor told us that we could try and fall pregnant naturally, but that the chances were extremely low. With a further appointment looming and despite everything we had been told, we fell pregnant naturally in the first month of trying!
As soon as we found out that I was pregnant, we applied for the Family Birthing Centre at King Edward Hospital. We love the continuity of care model and the fact that it is completely woman-led – mothers were truly in control of their own birthing experience. This model of care went hand-in-hand with the hypnobirthing philosophy and around 20 weeks pregnant we booked into a hypnobirthing course with Laura at Tens Hire Perth. It was important to me to attend a course in person so that my partner and I could practice all of the techniques and ask questions. I was a full bottle on hypnobirthing, I had listened to the podcasts and read the books. But I wanted my partner to understand and learn and for him to have the opportunity to ask questions.
"Birth is not only about making babies. birth is about making mothers... strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength"
The hypnobirthing course was fantastic and Laura’s knowledge as a midwife really helped to answer all of the multitude of questions that we had! We practiced grounding techniques and did some of the meditations together. We left feeling confident and empowered about our birth. Doing a hypnobirthing course gave me the strength to ask questions and advocate for myself and my baby during pregnancy. Because my pregnancy was considered high risk due to my uterus size, we were under constant monitoring with the Preterm Birth Prevention Clinic at King Eddies. I was grateful for the care we received, but throughout the whole process I felt strong and confident and had the bravery to stand up for what I wanted. Despite half a uterus, my pregnancy continued with no complications and we were discharged from the Preterm Birth Clinic. The aim was to get past 37 weeks, as then I could birth at the Family Birth Centre.
At 39+5 weeks, I started to have some contractions around 10.30pm. I told my partner that things were feeling a bit different and we both tried to get some sleep. I managed to doze off, but was awoken at 11.30pm to my waters breaking as a big gush. I woke my partner as I waddled to the toilet to see that my waters were pink with tinges of green. Because of my extensive research on all things birth – I knew that green waters meant meconium was present. My mantra throughout the last days of my pregnancy and all through birth was ‘I accept wherever this birth takes me’. I knew that if meconium was present I wouldn’t be able to birth at the FBC and would have to birth at the main hospital instead. This meant no water birth – but I was okay with that because I had accepted wherever the birth was taking me.
I sent a photo of my waters to our midwife and she confirmed that was would have to meet at the main hospital when the time came. As soon as my waters broke the contractions starting coming hard and fast, and I got into the shower to relieve some of the pressure. The waves got more and more intense and closer together very quickly. We called our midwife again and she gave us the option of either labouring at home for another hour or to come into the hospital. Being our first baby, we decided to come to the hospital to get assessed. It was then that I got out of the shower and my partner put on my TENS machine. I had my acupressure comb in my hands and was labouring against the bed as my partner packed the car and got things ready.
We were planning to meet our midwife at 130m at the hopsital and I was glad for the short drive to the hospital as the waves got more intense. I focused on my breath, counting over and over in my head to geet me through the peak of the waves. We arrived at the hospital at 140am and our midwife was ready for us. The room had all of the lights off already and our midwife had everything that we might need. My partner quickly set up the room with our galaxy projector on the roof and my calming music playing over a speaker. Our midwife offered us a cervix check and I accepted. She asked me if I wanted to know how far along I was and I told her 'only tell me it it's more than 4cm!'. She told me that we were at 7cm and doing very well. She assured me that my baby has lots of hair! I continued to labour again the bed with my partner offering me sips of water after every wave.
"Women's bodies have near-perfect knowledge of childbirth; it's when their brains get involved that things can go wrong"
I tried a few different positions from the hypnobirthing course, but couldn’t get comfortable unless I was on all fours or standing and leaning on the bed. After a little while my legs were beginning to get sore, so I climbed onto the bed on my hands and knees. My partner rubbed my back and spoke calming, positive affirmations as things ramped up and I felt baby move deeper into my pelvis. My eyes were closed during most of my labour and I remember seeing the midwifes suddenly had gloves on and there was a small light aimed at my behind. I remember thinking that we were getting close to meeting baby because they weren’t wearing gloves before! I said to my midwife ‘I think the baby is coming soon!’. She replied, ‘don’t be scared, your body knows what to do’ to which I responded with ‘I’m not scared, I’m excited!’ Using my breath got me through every wave.
"The parallels between making love and giving birth are clear, not only in terms of passion and love, but also because we need essentially the same conditions for both experiences: privacy and safety"
While my baby was crowning there was a moment that I lost control of my breath and my voice became high pitched. My midwife gently guided me back to my breath and I was able to gain control again to slowly and gently breathe my baby into the world. Using only my TENS Machine and my wooden acupressure comb for management, I guided my baby into this world at 4.35am. My midwife placed my baby between my legs and prompted me to lift my baby to my chest. The tiny little person I had grown for so long began a gurgling cry, and my partner turned to me with tears in his eyes and said ‘we’ve got a little boy!’. We had kept the gender a surprise and hearing him reveal that we had a son will forever be one of my favourite and best memories.
I’ll never forget the moment I saw my baby for the first time or how empowered I felt throughout the whole birth. Despite having to transfer to the main hospital and not getting to have the water birth we had planned at the FBC – I wouldn’t change anything about our birth story. Throughout the whole pregnancy and birth our midwife listened to our needs, made us feel empowered and advocated for us. Hypnobirthing allowed us to take control of our birth and we felt no fear.
The most important thing to remember is to accept wherever the birthing journey takes you – but to also trust in the midwife that has gotten to know you over the past 9 months and will advocate for you in whatever birthing space you end up in. we accepted all of the changes that came to us and trusted the process and the way in which our little boy wanted to come into the world. It was because of this that my body could do what it knew. I birthed in 5 hours, with no interventions, tearing or stitches.
After our birth and golden hour of skin to skin we had almost every midwife on the ward that night come to visit us. They all wanted to see the woman who had birthed with no pain relief, in such a short amount of time and with no tearing or stitches! I was told that my body was made for birthing and that I was such a pro at birthing because I had so much control to birth my babies head. I couldn’t have done it without the knowledge and power that hypnobirthing had given me.
Hypnobirthing is a childbirth method that focuses on preparing parents for gentle birth. In hypnobirthing classes, you will learn proven techniques in a well-thought-out program of deep relaxation, visualisation, and self-hypnosis. All of these are designed to help you achieve a more comfortable birth. Hypnobirthing encourages a calm, peaceful, and natural pregnancy, birth, and bonding experience for families.
You can begin hypnobirthing any time, but we recommend that the optimal time to start your course is between 20 and 30 weeks. This will give you time to practise the self-hypnosis, relaxation and other effective techniques for gentle, easy birthing but also ensures that the course is still fresh in your mind. If you are outside of that range please don’t worry, you can definitely still attend the classes and achieve a beautiful, calm birth.
Bring yourself and your birth partner/companion. Your birth partner can be your partner, doula, sister, friend, mother – whoever you feel will best support you throughout your pregnancy and birth. However, you are also welcome to come solo if you prefer.
The Hypnobirthing Australia Course offers extensive natural childbirth education. While hospital antenatal classes focus on medical interventions, hypnobirthing covers the entire birth process, pregnancy expectations, labour preparation, fear release, and techniques like relaxation, breathing, visualizations, and deepening exercises. We believe in the power of knowledge, so combining both antenatal and hypnobirthing classes empowers you to make informed choices. Ultimately, the decision to attend either or both courses is yours to make.
Despite misconceptions and misinformation, you are definitely not unconscious during self-hypnosis. The Hypnobirthing mother is deeply relaxed, but she is also an active participant in the labour process. Though she is deeply relaxed, she is totally aware and may return to a conversant state or choose to become mobile whenever she desires. Hypnobirthing mothers often find that they experience time distortion and are not distracted by other people or their birthing environment, while they focus on their birthing and their baby