Rikki's Hypnobirth - Navannah's birth story
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Time to read 5 min
Top 3 Reasons Why TENS Hire Perth Is Your Trusted Choice for Pain Relief
Founded by a Midwife: TENS Hire Perth was founded by Laura, an experienced and passionate midwife who loves empowering women to have a beautiful and empowering natural birth.
Customer Focused: Customer focus is the top priority at TENS Hire Perth . We aim to provide a top level service with prompt fulfilment of orders as well as 24/7 response to enquiries
Quality Products: TENS Hire Perth offers high-quality products designed to empower women and support a beautiful, natural birth experience.
At 10.30 on the night before my estimated due date I went to the toilet before bed and while sitting there I felt a pop and a small trickle. We headed to the maternity ward to get checked out. When we got there they confirmed my waters had broken and I was 2-3cm dilated.
We got back home about midnight and as soon as we got there my surges started and were intense. I was feeling them through my back and my most comfortable position was on all fours or leaning over with Scott putting pressure on my lower back. We tried to time my surges however they were irregular, anywhere from 45 seconds to 2 minutes apart and in length. It was relentless so we called the labour ward who said to stay at home as long as possible but I wasn’t comfortable so we headed in about 4am.
"Women's bodies have near-perfect knowledge of childbirth; it's when their brains get involved that things can go wrong"
Upon examination I was 7cm dilated so they called my midwife and filled the birth pool. By the time it was ready, Jodie was there. After a bit in the pool I felt my body start pushing. It was the strangest feeling to have no control over such an intense action but with Scott reminding me to relax and breathe deeply, I went with it, though I did make some really weird noises !! At one point I decided I couldn’t do it… I wanted it to stop and I wanted out !! Scott made me focus on him, told me what I needed to hear and the next thing I knew she was crowning. I told Jodie I could feel her hair and continued to try to breathe my baby down. She remained in the same position for about 10 minutes and the midwives were concerned she’d become distressed so they got me out of the pool and onto the bed. I had been pushing slowly however when they told me they’d need to give me an episiotomy if she didn’t come out in the next push, I knew I’d rather tear so pushed with everything I had. 2 pushes and her head was out. Another and she was on my chest, Calm and perfect! I had no tearing and felt on top of the world! We went home that afternoon.
"Birth is not only about making babies. birth is about making mothers... strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength"
I feel so lucky to have had such amazing support which allowed me to have an amazing hypnobirth.
Laura from TENS Hire Perth gave me the tools to have such a positive experience. The knowledge, breathing techniques, visualisations and affirmations were absolutely invaluable. It was never about everything going perfectly to plan and I truly was prepared for any direction my birth took thanks to Laura and Hypnobirthing!
Also, And maybe even more importantly, for giving Scott the knowledge to best support me. The awesome midwife who took care of us on the day – Jodie, who supported and advocated for us and our wishes without jeopardising bubs or my health. And most importantly Scott – I couldn’t have done it without his support and focus! I am one lucky girl to have such an amazing husband and now a beautiful daughter!
"When you change the way you view birth, the way you view birth will change"
Hypnobirthing is a childbirth method that focuses on preparing parents for gentle birth. In hypnobirthing classes, you will learn proven techniques in a well-thought-out program of deep relaxation, visualisation, and self-hypnosis. All of these are designed to help you achieve a more comfortable birth. Hypnobirthing encourages a calm, peaceful, and natural pregnancy, birth, and bonding experience for families.
You can begin hypnobirthing any time, but we recommend that the optimal time to start your course is between 20 and 30 weeks. This will give you time to practise the self-hypnosis, relaxation and other effective techniques for gentle, easy birthing but also ensures that the course is still fresh in your mind. If you are outside of that range please don’t worry, you can definitely still attend the classes and achieve a beautiful, calm birth.
Bring yourself and your birth partner/companion. Your birth partner can be your partner, doula, sister, friend, mother – whoever you feel will best support you throughout your pregnancy and birth. However, you are also welcome to come solo if you prefer.
The Hypnobirthing Australia Course offers extensive natural childbirth education. While hospital antenatal classes focus on medical interventions, hypnobirthing covers the entire birth process, pregnancy expectations, labor preparation, fear release, and techniques like relaxation, breathing, visualizations, and deepening exercises. We believe in the power of knowledge, so combining both antenatal and hypnobirthing classes empowers you to make informed choices. Ultimately, the decision to attend either or both courses is yours to make.
Despite misconceptions and misinformation, you are definitely not unconscious during self-hypnosis. The Hypnobirthing mother is deeply relaxed, but she is also an active participant in the labour process. Though she is deeply relaxed, she is totally aware and may return to a conversant state or choose to become mobile whenever she desires. Hypnobirthing mothers often find that they experience time distortion and are not distracted by other people or their birthing environment, while they focus on their birthing and their baby