Courtney's Hypnobirth - Lakyn's birth story

Courtney's Hypnobirth - Lakyn's birth story

A Harmony of Birth: Courtney's Hypnobirth and Lakyn's Birth Tale

** Lakyn Kealy - 22nd March 2018 - 3.820 kg - Narrogin Regional Hospital **

On the 22nd March 2018 we welcomed our second Hypnobub, Lakyn Bernard Kealy, into the world weighing in at 8 pound 7 ounces (3820g).

After feeling so relaxed during my first labour, I knew hat the time round I would be using Hypnobirthing again. During my labour with Lakyn I felt so relaxed and in control. I was able to change positions and refocus when things started getting a bit tough. I spent the majority of my 3 hour labour with head phones in listening to my hypnotracks which allowed me to fully relax my body and focus on my breathing during each surge.

The midwife I had was amazing, even more so because she delivered me in the same hospital nearly 34 years ago! She was patient, listened to my wished and let me labour uninterrupted. I had asked not to be examined unless needed. there was a student doctor in the room who asked the midwife if all natural labours are this easy. The midwife replied with "no Courtney is making it look very easy, she is in control of her body and is doing an amazing job." I still remember at one point in my labour I started to lose control a little and asked for an epidural. The Midwife just looked at my partner and said "I think she's at that 8cm stage where they think things are impossible." She talking me in to changing positions - I looked at my partner for reassurance and refocused.

Not long after, our little ray of sunshine entered the world in just a few pushes. After having to have an epidural due to medical reasons in my first labour. I was determined to do this one pain relief free. I'm so proud to say that I didn't have an epidural. I was offered gas and air but had one suck on it and chose not to use it. I can't recommend Hypnobirthing enough to all of my friends who are expecting and if I am lucky to have baby number 3 I will definitely be using it again!!

Ps. I have included the photo of me holding Lakyn just a few seconds old! I love this photo. When we announced Lakyn's birth on social media I used this photo and got so many comments about how I 'looked as fresh as a daisy' ... thats what a hypnomum looks like :)



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